This Monday has proven to be an interesting one. I arrived at work in the morning and managed to start getting into a productive groove, which can be difficult on a Monday, only to have everything flopped upside down by lunch. I had a meeting with my manager and found out that I've been part of a Resource Action (IBM-speak for layoff) so as of March 1st I am back on the market for a new job. Even though I was aware something like this might come up I have to admit I'm still trying to get my head around what has happened. My first job and also my first layoff... Live and learn I suppose.
I've had a lot of fun at IBM and I've really had a great learning experience of life inside a company as big as IBM. Going straight from school to IBM was daunting to me but I feel really great that I have accomplished something for myself. I've met some really great people that I hope to keep in contact with once I find a new job. So as my time with IBM has come to an end I am looking forward anxiously to the next thing for me to work on. Thanks for all the good times IBM!
Now that all that is out of the way, if you happen to be hiring or know anyone who may be hiring I'd love to hear from you! :-) You can find me on LinkedIn or check my Stack Overflow CV.